
Synology as a FreeNAS / TrueNAS backup - Rsync

  Synology as a FreeNAS / TrueNAS backup - Rsync Synology DSM 6.2.3-25426 FreeNAS 11.3-U5 1. Enable rsync service on the Synology box "Control Panel > File Services > rsync". 2. Add rsync user and password, and allow rsync application for this user. 3. Create the NetBackup folder and allow rsync user Read/Write permission  4. login to FreeNAS and add the Rsync Tasks,  Select the folder you want to backup User: root Remote Host: rsync@  "username@synology_IP" Rsync mode: Module Remote Module Name: NetBackup  "backup folder on the Synology" Direction: Push Short Description:  options: Schedule: Daily Recursive Times Preserve permissions Extra options: --password-file,/mnt/vol1/rsync/pass.txt 5. create a pass.txt file with the Synology rsync user password and save it to the FreeNAS, in my case the path for the password file is  /mnt/vol1/rsync/pass.txt Save and exit

Fix : How to modify grub.cfg after installing DSM

How to modify grub.cfg after installing DSM For whatever reason, you need to change the Serial number, MAC address, net interface and boot options after installing DSM, you need to modify the grub.cfg in the USB boot drive. I use putty, and WinSCP, you can find them from the link below. 1. Enable SSH from the control panel  2. login SSH and run the command below, sudo -i mkdir -p /tmp/mountMe cd /dev mount -t vfat synoboot1 /tmp/mountMe ls -l /tmp/mountMe 3. login through Winscp with SCP protocol 4. Go to /tmp/mountMe/grub folder, and you can modify the grub.cfg file directly.

Fix : Synology Resource Monitor fail to connect

  Synology Resource Monitor fail to connect  Login SSH and restart the snmp service. synoservice --stop snmp synoservice --start snmp synoservice --restart snmp

Fix: Enable SSH and run super user "sudo su"

Fix Xpenology DS3617 Enable SSH and run super user "sudo su" Enable root account and set a password. chmod 755 /etc/ssh/sshd_config && sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && synouser --setpw root newpassword Fix update error  curl -SLO && mv /volume1/docker/ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ && chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ Fix CPU model curl -SLO && chmod 755 ch_cpuinfo && ./ch_cpuinfo  

Activate Synology Active Backup for Business for Xpenology DSM 6

Activate Synology Active Backup for Business for Xpenology DSM 6    Activate Synology  Active Backup for Business  with Xpenology DSM Install the package and run the URL below on the browser. Active Backup for Business 1. Replace the IP, username, and password  http:// :5000/webapi/auth.cgi?api=SYNO.API.Auth&method=Login&version=1&account= admin &passwd= password {"success":true} 2. Replace IP and Serial http:// :5000/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.ActiveBackup.Activation&method=set&version=1&activated=true&serial_number= 1780PDN123456 {"data":{"activated":true},"success":true} Active Backup for G Suite 1. Replace IP http:// :5000/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.ActiveBackupGSuite&method=get_activation&version=1 {"data":{"activated":false,"serial_number":"1780PDN123456"},"su